Archive for November, 2015

Reckless Abandon

Posted: November 18, 2015 by Isaac Cross in About Me, Learn Something, Life Log, Philosophy, Technique

Last night, I saw a couple play in the dungeon.

A play-by-play of the scene would fail to portray it as remarkable, as none of the individual actions were unique. 

But the total was so much more than its parts.

Underneath the actions themselves was a current of energy and purpose that I can only describe as reckless abandon. (more…)

Review: :: SCAM ALERT!

Posted: November 4, 2015 by Isaac Cross in Reviews, Reviews (Web)

UPDATE 11/30/15: Fetlife seems to have pulled the ad after we alerted them to the site’s practices. Good for them.

UPDATE 11/6/15: Despite the fact that I was careful to avoid all the sneaky hidden check boxes all over the site, today, the website charged by credit card $81.85. I immediate got on the phone and notified them that my entire session on their website had been recorded and that I can prove those charges were never authorized. They quickly reversed the charges, but I won’t have the refund (most likely) for a week or so.

So if you can’t afford to have nearly $100 taken from you, do not, under any circumstances, give this website your credit card information.

The bottom line: They lie about what you will be able to do when you sign up, they attempt to trick you into signing up for more than you want, and they will try to get an exorbitant amount of money from you for something that is available for free all over the internet. You will have almost no ability to do anything without forking over money, and once you do, you will struggle to get them to stop charging you. Your best bet, STAY AWAY!!! ( agrees with me)


Better than hookers!!!! Sign me up!

I saw this ad on Fetlife and decided to go check it out. Because that’s what I’m here for. I dig through the garbage of the internet so that you don’t have to.  (more…)