Archive for September, 2015

The Myth of the “No-Limits” Slave

Posted: September 23, 2015 by Isaac Cross in Advice, Learn Something, Philosophy

Image used in compliance with Creative Commons 3.0 License

Recently, an individual posted a journal entry claiming to be a “no-limits, 24/7 slave” to her Master. She was upset, because at a recent discussion group, she was told by a number of members of the group that there was no such thing as a “no-limits slave” and in fact that the expectation of 24/7-365 is unrealistic and a path to misery. She was upset about this because, from her perspective, they were denying her reality and failing to acknowledge the way that she expresses her submission.

(An undercurrent tone in her post suggested that she ascribed to the notion that “slave” and submissives are two totally separate groups that do not overlap, which I do not agree with, but that is another rant.)

Here is what I think.

I think the question of realistic expectations is important to understand and I think the person who raised that concern is correct. But that doesn’t necessarily mean that the original person was wrong. (more…)

A Tale From a Menopausal Slave

Posted: September 1, 2015 by KC in Uncategorized

Original Illustration by Odd Agaric

Editors Note: We are please to have added a new member of our team, Odd Agaric, who will be contributing original works of art to accompany articles. We are also happy to have another article from our newest author, KC. Enjoy
+ Isaac Cross

I am a woman.

A human being.

Thus, I have human traits such as emotion. I have the same feelings as any other woman; suffer from the same ailments, live with the same highs and lows from life. I have no choice in being human.

I am also a slave.

I choose to live my life according to the wishes of my master. I choose to serve him. He allows me to continue my profession. I ask for permission to come and go. He owns the vehicle which I drive, he pays all my bills, he handles all the decisions. I am allowed to masturbate with his permission. Living this life is my choice.

Yet the two facets combined can cause some disruption. (more…)