Archive for November, 2010

Giving Thanks Before Thanksgiving

Posted: November 24, 2010 by Isaac Cross in Uncategorized

Hey everybody, no big post today, I just wanted to throw up a quick post to say thank you to everyone who has helped to grow this site, from my friends and family who support me (and sometimes write articles for me) and the readers who visit the site regularly.

Thanks to your support, I was recently listed on WordPress’s Blog of the Day on Nov 22 as their 39th fastest growing site.

I had more visitors to the site in 36 hours this weekend than I had in the entire month of July.

So thank again everybody, I hope to keep contributing content that you find worth your time. Keep the suggestions and questions coming, they’re a big help when I can’t think what to write about.

Some upcoming (hopefully) posts:

1. Submissive Roles, Part 3 – Analysis
2. Trust Makes Me Horny
3. Examining Emotions: Gender Equality

Part 1 – Background

This post will cover the theory behind “Defining and Refining Your Roles as a Submissive”

A note from the author: This has been getting a lot of extra traffic lately and some people have been misunderstanding the purpose. This information is pulled from the class that I teach on “Defining and Refining Your Role as a Submissive”. To understand the purpose for it, you really need to read Part 1 (linked above) and Part 3 (once it’s posted). If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at


Death of a Kinkster

Posted: November 18, 2010 by Isaac Cross in Guest Posts, Uncategorized

Today, I will be spending a quiet day of healing with my partner Rain. Her long-time mentor and friend, Anita, passed away yesterday. We knew that it was coming, as she was diagnosed with terminal cancer about a year ago. Anita helped Rain to understand herself and her submission and her passion for life in the times when Rain needed it most, and for that, Anita has my eternal gratitude. This world has lost a good person and a wonderful mind.

Thus far, neither of us has been able to manage the thoughts and feelings that have come up since we heard the news well enough to put them into words. Among those thoughts and feelings, for me, was a quiet sort of depression as I thought about how Anita would be remembered.

When I was married last summer, I anguished over my decision not to invite our kinky friends to the wedding. And when I heard this news, one of the thoughts that I had was whether I would make the same decision if, God forbid, something were to happen to my wife. Even as I write this, the thought makes me sick. Most of my dearest friends and closest confidants are my scene friends. I don’t know if I could make it through the loss of my partner, and all the events and protocol that come after, without having them by my side and supporting me.

That thought, that shadow of fear, that gut-wrenching, horrifying notion made work almost unbearable last night. I opened this page four different times to try to write about it and nothing came. But then, one of those wonderful kinky friends of mine wroten essay about that very thing. I told him that I thought he had said it all better than I could and asked him if I could repost it here. As usual, I don’t agree with everything he said, but the spirit of what I had hoped to convey is there.

If you know my wife (or even if you don’t), please send her you good energy as she struggles with the pain of this loss.

“Death of a Kinkster”
By Jeff Jizz
Reposted with Permission

What happens when we die? (more…)

Service Roles, Part 1 of 3 – Background

Posted: November 12, 2010 by Isaac Cross in Learn Something, Philosophy

So, this one friend of mine, who shall remain nameless, has been bugging me about putting this information up for a long time.

My class on “Defining and Refining Your Role as a Submissive” is my most popular one. It is also the subject on which I have devoted the most attention and work. I originally started the practice of categorizing submissive roles a few years back with my partner (and now wife) Rain. We began to analyse the different roles she plays as a submissive and why those different roles are appealing to her. We noticed that a few simple indicators worked to predict which role she would be most comfortable in at any given time and helped us to actually put names to them and refine them to a point where we both have a far better understanding of how to act within the framework of each different persona. (more…)