Archive for August, 2011

Oh the places you’ll go…

Posted: August 25, 2011 by Isaac Cross in About Me

I know I haven’t had much content lately, but I’ve been crazy busy with a ‘nilla project and just haven’t had time to write lately.

But today, I picked up an awesome book about the most important places in the world, and felt compelled to put something down about it.

I found myself, as I was reading this book, with a deep desire to go to these places myself. Some are far, some are near. Some have grandeur, and some simply have history.

Why are we drawn to these places?

What compels us to stand on significant ground?

Why do we feel the need to leave our homes and go to these other places?

For some of these places, the answer is more obvious, for some, it is mysterious. Below, I will highlight a few of the places that I most want to visit. Click on any of the pictures to go to the place’s wikipedia page. (more…)

Upcoming Work

Posted: August 18, 2011 by Isaac Cross in About Me, Events

This has been my biggest year yet for teaching. And I just found out that I have been chosen to present at Beyond Leather 5 next April in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.

This is easily the largest event that I have had the chance to teach at, and I look forward to it.

I will also be spending a week and a half in the DC area doing a series of workshops at several locations, including the Winter Solstice conference in New Jersey.

I’ll have more details on these trips soon.